Monday, January 31, 2011

Australian Scammers In Ecuador - John & Dixie Davey Walker

In the last BLOG, I asked and answered the question: “The Walkers – Pathetic or What?” We all know the answer by now. I have asked if the Walker’s will have redemption in 2011. So far, they have ignored that question as they have for the past year.

The Walkers still refuse to answer these basic questions to anyone they scammed (or to the world for that matter):
  • Where did all the money you received go?
  • What was it spent on that related to your “Ayampe Project”?
  • What  specifically was the money spent on???? By whom specifically????

The Walkers have continued to avoid their responsibility to the people that placed “TRUST” in them. I have asked them and pleaded with them to give us our money back. Instead they have:
  • Personally threatened me (see Email from John Walker);
  • Cursed me and called me names;
  • Called others they scammed names.
  • Repeatedly claimed that their Ecuadorian partner is the real person that scammed people (They have said all of this without ever providing one shred of evidence to prove their claim).
  • Went on a campaign to have some websites pull my BLOGs and comments because they are afraid of the world knowing the truth about them.
The Walkers say that they will SUE anyone that they claim defames them. Then why have they not done that? Why have they not sued me since they claim I am defaming them?

I say to the Walkers …. SUE ME!!! Prove me wrong. Prove DEFAMATION! Either in a USA court or Ecuadorian court. Please, please SUE ME! Take me to court with your “evidence” vs. my “evidence”! The truth is the Walkers try to intimidate anyone that speaks the truth about them. They know they have no chance in a court of law!

Dixie Davey Walker likes to very smugly state “get your facts right”. So I have and I will continue to expose the Walkers to the world. I have and I will continue to show the Walkers as what they are: liars, con artist and thieves!

Ironically, in his attempt to accuse me of not telling the truth, John Walker so boldly stated that this, “… I now intend to raise funds from our subscribers to fight you and Ruy. To make claims against us without a Court Order is a serious offense – at least in the USA where you have published your claims. The maximum sentence is 10 years jail – plus damages. It is also a serious offence in Ecuador.”

Once again, I say to the Walkers, SUE ME!!!!

In a further attempt to deceive their innocent subscribers and intimidate their victims, Dixie Davey Walker makes this statement in her January 23, 2011, newsletter:

“Important note to all readers:
All Newsletters and content on the website are copyright and use of photos or any other material taken from my website without permission shall be deemed as an infringement of the copyright laws.”

Does she even know what the copyright laws are? Does Dixie Davey Walker even know what constitutes a copyright? Given that she and John reword copy from other websites and information sources, what are they “deeming” as infringement?

Now back to the Walkers scam setup. Here is the ACTUAL BLOG the Walker’s published on January 29, 2009. They wrote this when they were writing and telephoning me constantly to invest with them. They actually referred me to their website as “proof” of how BIG their Ayampe project was. As you can read, they even published promises about how the money would be refunded if either of the stated conditions were not met. From their own website on January 29, 2009:

Retire in Ecuador -
Beach front Opportunity
January 29, 2009 Hola All
Beach Front Opportunity

The deal is going fast, so don’t wait too long to make a decision.
It has now only been four days since John came up with this idea of selling 10 large lots at Ayampe for an average of only US$65,000 – and to also include a 300 square meter house and swimming pool etc.
Six (6) lots have already been spoken for.
So if you want one of the once-in-a lifetime opportunities, please get in quick. The way things are going, the deal will be sold-out within the next 7-10 days. One person is even thinking about taking more than one lot.
Another incentive idea
Another person has also said that he doesn’t want to wait for us to build his 300m2 house, and that he would prefer to build at his own expense and then we reimburse him at a later date – at an agreed amount and milestone.
That is perfectly acceptable. In fact we will even pay a share of the selling budget for the first three people who make this same decision. These houses will be like display homes, so it would help the project substantially if some of these front houses are built in advance.  We only request that we have access to the house for showing potential buyers of other properties. The incentive will be the greatest for the first person who commits to such a decision. The rebate could be as high as $50,000 for the first person – paid as a percentage of all sales after the house has been completed.
So make a decision quickly. We are asking for a 10% deposit (US$6,500) payable on a credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or bank transfer and the balance as soon as the legal trust is established (within two weeks). This purchase price is 100% refundable if (1) you do not get legal title to your selected lot, or (2) the 10 lots are not sold.
Ciao for now
Dixie and John

Note that the Walkers both signed this newsletter. Does the above sound unclear? Does their article not “represent” that a “trust will be established in two weeks? Now then, how does it now go to being untrue when I ask for my money back????

Then on March 15, 2009, Dixie Davey Walker wrote this on her BLOG: 

     “ … The other reason we have not written is that the last couple of weeks we have been extremely busy and not always in range of good internet services to upload photos etc. We spent a week in Quito at the International Living Conference and met some wonderful people.  A few have also followed us to Cuenca and many have also been keen to see our Ayampe coastal development.  Our new website is now up and running with more information about the Ayampe development
Unfortunately we received some bad publicity at Quito from an insecure and jealous expat who claims himself a “Guru” of Ecuador.  All I can say at present is that he did not realize who he was dealing with. He thought it was expats that he could badmouth, and did not realize that the principals are our Ecuadorian partners. The matter is now in the hands of our partner’s lawyers. It is a serious offense in Ecuador to make false statements about someone.
John and I work very closely with our Ecuadorian partners and we do not claim to know the Ecuadorian rules and regulations.  Our choice is to have Ecuadorian partners and we all work very well together. Our opinion is that they know a lot more about Ecuador than any expat. They are both very well educated and have long and very credible family histories in this country…

So two years ago the Walkers admitted that they do not claim to know the Ecuadorian rules and regulations. Now the Walkers have gone to advising people about Ecuadorian “LAW”! (Their newsletter dated January 9, 2011.)

How did they get so “knowledgeable” in two years? Have they gotten a “LAW DEGREE” in Ecuador? Or are they now trying to cover their tracks from the Ayampe scam they ran?

The Walkers have removed or altered both of these posts (as well as other post) from their “Back Issues” page. No need to worry, though, as I said, I have them ALL in the ORIGINAL formats and I will offer them as proof and evidence in my exposure of these two predators. Can you trust these people? Read ALL of my BLOGs and make your own decision.

The Walkers have totally “misrepresented” the truth and the facts. What other reason do they have for removing and altering the ORIGINAL posts on their website concerning the promotion of their Ayampe Project? According to, misrepresentation is defined as follows:

Function: noun
An intentionally or sometimes negligently false representation made verbally, by conduct, or sometimes by nondisclosure or concealment and often for the purpose of deceiving, defrauding, or causing another to rely on it detrimentally; also: an act or instance of making such a representation.
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc. 
Cite This Source

The FACTS about the Walkers remain simple:

FACT: The Walkers misrepresented the use of investment funds in their so-called Ayampe Project.

FACT: The Walkers have NEVER accounted for the spending of the over $100,000 they are known to have collected from investors.

FACT: The Walkers had the last known investor send her funds to an account in Panama when all other funds were sent to John Walker’s personal account in Ecuador. This last known deposit occurred in September 2009 when all lots were supposedly sold by March 2009. HMMMMMM!

FACT: The Walkers reported constantly for nearly a year that the Project was progressing “on target” and that all was well.

FACT: The Walkers have deleted or altered all of their BLOGS that reference their Ayampe scam from their “Back Issues” pages. The pages they originally posted in 2009 have ALL been changed or altered. But, as I said, no need to worry. I have EVERY deleted/altered issue in its ORIGINAL format! If the Walkers are soooo innocent as they claim, why would they need to delete or alter their own posts?????

FACT: The Walkers ran an advertisement on their website on October 31, 2009, looking for new investors to invest a $10,000 deposit for “the LAST TWO LOTS” … when they knew already the project was defunct. How many of these “LAST TWO LOTS” did they sell????

Now, I may eventually get shot down because the Walkers have all the money they stole from us and the other investors. They know I have only so much money to keep chasing them.


I cannot emphasize this enough … Stay away from these crooks! If you do not believe me, do your own litmus test with them.

P.S. The following shows you the REAL mindset of the Walkers. In his cursing-laced tirade to me, John Walker states this, “Maybe one day I might use my inheritance to fight you. Wouldn’t it be a shame to use funds to fight you instead of repaying your investment?”

That simple statement sums up the Walkers in a nutshell. In his great love for his mother who he said paid for his detox [big medical bill - over $25,000, so he says]. John Walker cares more about his mother dying and getting her money than he cares about her well-being. That is truly sad!

P.P.S. Just a reminder for those of our “generation” … the Walkers need to remember the song by Nazareth, “The Hair of The Dog”!

Look at their faces!

Recognize their faces!

KNOW their lies!


Monday, January 17, 2011

The Walkers - Pathetic or What?

Since Jan 3, 2010, we have asked and demanded that the Walkers return our money. The time is coming very soon to quit asking them. Although we have lost our money (FOR NOW!), we appreciate your feedback. As the subtitle to the Blog states, we are writing this BLOG to help others from going down the rocky road we have travelled!

To show the extent to which Dixie Davey Walker and John Walker have gone with their insults to their victims, they have gotten so brazen as to write about “ECUADOR LAW”!!! Given the run-on wording and misspellings in their article, one can see that they wrote and posted this quite hastily and with some help from someone.

Here is part of the crap Dixie Davey Walker sent out in their "HAPPY 2011" newsletter on Jan 9, 2011:

“Frommy understanding, Civil Law is based on legislation,and there is little room for the judiciary to move. Common Law on theotherhand takes into account case law and precedents and looks more atsurroundingevidence. A “hand-shake” or verbal agreement ismore likely to be upheld under CommonLaw than Civil Law.
Insimple terms, after a bitter experience, in Ecuador itis extremely important to get all agreements written in legal terms inSpanishand have such agreements officially notarized. The difference is one ofthemain reasons why the profession of being a Notary is considered one ofthe mostprestigious you can have, yet not so in Common Law countries. [sic]”

The above shows that the Walkers do not have any contrition or remorse for their actions. NONE, NADA, ZERO!!! They are, quite simply, criminals trying to cover their tracks and “act” as if they have done no wrong. Innocent and decent people do not have to hide the truth. Nor do they run from it and act as if nothing has happened!
  • Will the Walkers do the right thing and return the money they stole? Of course not!
  • Will they stop this charade and stop trying to deceive people? Of course not!
As we say where I come from, “the proof is in the pudding.”

According to, a charade is a blatant pretense or deception, esp. something so full of pretense as to be a travesty.

That description fits the Walkers exactly! These predators are laughing all the way to the bank!!! What amazes me is that they are still advertising products that are deceptive.


These con artists have gone so far as to advertise their “NEW” scam … “Satellite TV and movies in Ecuador”. They have this in their Jan. 11, 2011, newsletter. If you will hover over the links, you’ll quickly see it’s another pay-per-click scheme by the Walkers. They rave and rave about how great it is and how it’s so convenient. Like EVERYTHING the Walkers say and try to sell, it’s a scam! Read some REAL reviews here about the products they are hawking: 


DO NOT hit any of the pay-per-click links on their site. That is how the Walkers get PAID for ripping people off!

If you find something of interest to you on their website, go directly to the website yourself and do some research. Remember: the Walkers are slick! They write their articles from other people’s copy in order to prey on the uninformed. DO NOT let these crooks get paid for their deceiving ways!!!

These are some of the “Facts” from their Ayampe scam:
  1. The Walkers have NEVER shown any accounting of the money they received.
  2. The Walkers had the last known investor deposit their money into a Banco Pichincha Panamanian account; whereas all prior monies were deposited in a Banco Pichincha account in Ecuador. Did they move the stolen money to Panama?
  3. The Walkers did advertise Ayampe land deals for $10,000 down payment as late as October 31, 2009. This is LONG, LONG after they had “SOLD” all the lots and knew they were not getting any titles to the property. Does this sound like people that are “truthful” and “honest”?
The Walkers continue to show their arrogance and total disrespect and disregard for ALL investors they scammed. (SEE my BLOG: “Email from John Walker” dated Dec 22, 2010.)

They are truly pathetic. DO NOT; I repeat DO NOT do business with these people. They continue to think we, the investors, and the world are fools. They continue to think that I am going away. They are wrong on all accounts!

As one investor said in a reply to John Walker’s insane email to me (and you can include Dixie Davey Walker in this, too.): “You dishonored the trust people had in you, and then you have the nerve to call them stupid, and call them names. You have no consciousness, you are what you are a parasite of the society.”

DO NOT Fall into the Walkers’ SCAMS! That is, unless you want to lose your money and make THEM rich!


YES, the Walkers are truly Pathetic!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Walkers - 2011 - Redemption or More of The Same?

Ayampe Scammers - The Walkers - John & Dixie Davey

Today, Jan 3, 2011, is the one year “anniversary” of the Walkers telling me and my wife that they had taken our money and that everything they had been telling us and the other investors for a year was a lie. In the letter John Walker sent us, he concluded by saying this: “I know it will be a big blow to you.” That was a huge understatement!

Hopefully, as we move into the New Year, the Walkers will work to “clear” their names from what is now known as their Ayampe Scam. In his email directed toward me on Dec. 22, 2010, John Walker referred to me as, “just another American ex-military with an ‘attitude’.” The one thing John & Dixie Walker forgot in their limited knowledge of me is this: I AM a proud and decorated, special operations military man that graduated with honors from the United States Air Force Academy (Class of 1984 … look that up). At the Academy, our credo is:
“We will not lie, steal or cheat
Nor tolerate anyone among us that does.”

John & Dixie Walker … YOU can take that to the bank! I have more character than you will ever have!

What the Walkers also forget is that nearly EVERYONE that they scammed has an “attitude” toward them. John and Dixie Walker, how would you feel if you had everything you “worked” for taken from you without any reasonable explanation? No accounting of the money, no work done on the property, no titles issued, no TRUST set up as you promised … nothing to account whatsoever for your money.

Where I come from, if you do something wrong which involves and hurts other people, you have to have the courage to admit it openly. Demonstrate some “character” by apologizing, and do not be afraid to stand up for your own mistakes and say, “I am sorry”.

You cannot try to blame someone else for your wrong doing, or try to twist the situation into your favor. Doing so not only gets you deeper in trouble, but you lose also the respect and trust of everybody around you. Even worse, you lose your own self respect.

Turning your back to the harm you have done is not acceptable. You cannot just carry on with your business like nothing happened. You cannot say you are innocent when not only you, but everyone else involved knows that you did wrong. [If you want your good reputation back, you have to pay the price; otherwise it will haunt you forever.]

To deny your responsibility for this debacle with Ayampe, John & Dixie, and to hope that more lies will save you in the end, is a gross and false miscalculation and an illusion! It will not work! Not in your lifetime! YOU have to live with yourself. Obviously, it does not bother you because you don't feel guilt or remorse for the damage you have done to me and others; but it surely will get you in the end.

It goes back to The Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

“IF “you are as innocent as you proclaim, then show all the receipts and the accounting information that we as investors have the right to know. Since you keep claiming Ruy Quevedo took all the money, SHOW IT!!! Provide the definitive information! Now is your time to make peace with the people you have harmed!

You and Dixie have NEVER answered the basic questions:
  • ·         Where did all the money you received from investors go?
  • ·         What was it spent on that related to your “Ayampe Project”?
  • ·         Where was the over $100, 000 you received spent???? ON what specifically???? By whom specifically????

We, the innocent investors, want and deserve specific dates, specifics to the penny of EXACT amounts spent … and I mean on THE PROJECT! Not what was spent on your Ayampe housing cost [that is NOT what we gave you the money for], not your conference cost, not your rental cars, etc. Those were PERSONAL expenses, NOT “PROJECT” expenses! And more specifically, NOT what I agreed to with you! Let me remind you, my deal with you was for “the sole purpose” of developing Ruy Quevedo’s 12 hectares!” As I said before, there was NO misunderstanding of that and it was certainly not unclear!

I told you last Feb. 6, 2010 that you picked the wrong dog to get in this fight with. I asked you to return my money. You instead chose to turn on me, the primary investor, and try to make me out to be an idiot and a fool. Granted, I and the others who trusted you with our savings were “stupid”, but blaming us and trying to lay fault on us is unconscionable.