Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Walkers - Villains with A Smile!

One may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
--William Shakespeare,
British playwright

Anyone that has read Dixie Davey Walker’s last few newsletters will see that she is trying to make it seem to her readers that she and John are still in Ecuador. This is hardly the case.

In her latest newsletter dated March 19, 2011, Dixie Davey Walker states this: “Looking at what is happening around the world today you cannot help but feel for the many people who are losing family, friends, pets, entire homes and their lives as they once knew it.”

Give me a break! Now, suddenly the Walkers have “feelings” for people’s suffering. What about the suffering my wife and I and the other innocent investors have endured due to their direct criminal acts? What about us struggling to rebuild our lives as we once knew it?

No doubt that what has happened and is happening in Japan is truly heart-wrenching. That was a natural disaster; an act of nature that has happened throughout world history. What the Walkers have done with their Ayampe scam, however, is an intentional, willful and malicious crime! They STOLE money and misused people’s trust purely for personal gain without any regard for the honest people they violated!

For the Walkers to try to assert now that they are compassionate people is totally without merit. In fact, it further shows the depths of their conceit and arrogance. The Walkers do not have any sense of doing what is professionally or ethically prudent.

Reviewing the Walker’s Website Q & A page, they make these assertions when answering questions from readers:
“Q – How do I know which Realtor to choose?
A – You don’t. But in Cuenca, Cotacachi and the coast I can certainly help with recommendations.

Q - How do you transfer money to Ecuador before you have opened a bank account in Ecuador?
 A – George - the only way you can transfer money safely is to have an appointed Attorney in Ecuador who will take your funds into their trust account….”

Once again, the Walkers show their arrogance by telling their readers that they can help with real estate recommendations. ARE THEY SERIOUS? Then they say appoint an attorney with “a trust fund” for your money. Isn’t that what they told the investors they would do, Set Up a “TRUST” fund to protect our money?

From the Walkers Newsletter dated February 25, 2011, Dixie Davey states: “In the past I have written quite a large number of newsletters about our fun, observations and sometimes exciting escapades. But there has also been a lot happen in our lives that we did not report for commercial, and sometimes legal, reasons.”

These are the same people that “reported” on their Ayampe “Project” for a year that ALL was well; everything is on target; titles to investors will be issued next week, in two weeks, sometime soon. NOW, they have chosen to DELETE and/or ALTER EVERY Newsletter that show their corrupt intentions with their Ayampe “Project”!

The Walkers are working hard to cover up their criminal past any way they can. Purposely trying to deceive people by separating themselves from the truth.

It also amazes me that the Walkers are portraying themselves as VICTIMS! Oh, the poor Walkers. Why are they running NOW; why are they deleting pages from their website; why are they not working on compensating their victims if they are such innocent, sweet (as one of their “friends” described them to us)! Why? Because they are what they are … CON ARTIST & LIARS! Scammers on the run!

Here is another “original” post from the Walkers. This publication was posted on their website on January 26, 2009, when the Walkers were starting their scam. Of course, the post is no longer listed on their website back issues page (hmmmmm ... I wonder WHY?).

Retire in Ecuador - The best Real Estate deal in Ecuador.
January 26, 2009 Hola All
The best Real Estate deal in Ecuador

The Best Real Estate Deal In Ecuador (or almost anywhere) – We think!!!
From John again.

Ever wished you had won lotto? Or had some inside information to make a killing on a horse race, or a share trade?

Well this might be a lucky opportunity for 10 people, or 10 syndicates.
Since first arriving in Ecuador in February 2008, I have been working with Ruy Quevedo to help fund and develop his 12 hectare (30 acres) beach front property at Ayampe. I have always thought it a great opportunity, because the property is located on a unique strip where the rain forest goes right down to the ocean. It’s our favorite area of the Ecuador coast. Ayampe is also only about 30 minutes north of Montanita, Ecuador’s famous and vibrant surf town – a very popular spot for all local surfers and young foreign travelers. Mind you, some of us more mature “baby boomers” also love it.

The passage of time over the last 12 months has now worked in our favor. Ecuador property prices have risen substantially in the last 12 months, and don’t seem to be abating. The worse the US economy gets, the more inquiry we seem to receive for investment and residency.

Since returning last September, I have become even more involved in the Ayampe project and we have thrashed out a number of funding scenarios. Finally, just a few days ago, while speaking with the project architect, I thought of a great idea to fund the development and provide a secure investment and return for only 10 investors who also want to own beach front property.

The proposed development has 11 large properties that are nearest the ocean. A hotel resort on 6,500 sq meters is planned to be in the center of these 11 properties.

The full proposal is a combination of 126 condos, 21 smaller villas and the 11 large villas at the front nearest the ocean. The condos now have the option of being split to make smaller units, so that the total number will be higher than the initial proposal. There is a protective vegetation reserve and lagoon between the development and the ocean.

An amount of $650,000 is required to complete the initial infrastructure and build a display home before sales can commence. Ruy does not want to incur any debt, and is prepared to give away a substantial proportion of the development profits in order to fund the $650,000. His primary motive is to get paid for the land, and then take a much smaller share of the profits in exchange for flexible repayment terms (no interest and the payments to come from sales). This makes the project have a low risk profile – or “very low risk of bankruptcy” as I prefer to term it. In a worst case, if for some reason the project is delayed, it will not eat its head off with interest payments.

So my recent suggestion to Ruy is that he sells 10 of the 11 large front lots for an average of $65,000 each (10 x $65,000 = $650,000). The areas vary, so the values will probably range between $55,000 and $75,000. These lots are very large – varying from 1,700 sq meters to 2,500 sq meters. So the average price is only about $30 per sq metre – land only.

Now the real bonus in this deal is that on each large lot, we will also build a 300 sq meter luxury 3-4 bedroom home, with a swimming pool or large Jacuzzi with all the landscaping completed – for ZERO charge. The only catch is that these houses will only be built after the rest of the development is mostly completed and sold.

The first 10 buyers are therefore funding the infrastructure, but still getting unencumbered title to 10 of the best properties in the project. They then get the upside of a free luxury home after the balance of the project is mostly sold. These houses are in effect the profit-share that is being given away by Ruy to make it all happen.

So is there anyone interested in this opportunity? One lot has already been taken (in just 24 hours since I wrote to a few friends) so there are now 9 to go. The lots will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

If anyone is interested in this opportunity, please get back to us and we can provide more detail as to the structure, security and other relevant details.

For $55,000 - $75,000 you receive:
  1. 1,700 – 2,500 square meters of prime beach front land
  2. Unencumbered title to this land
  3. 300 square meters of modern 2-storey home, with swimming pool or large Jacuzzi and landscaped gardens.
  4. Security provided by development
  5. Rental services provided by hotel/resort if required (for a fee)
  6. Cleaning and gardening services available (at your expense)
  7. Cable TV and Internet access available (at your expense)
  8. Access to hotel/resort and adventure and tourist services
  9. Free access to whale watching in season (the area is famous for it).

Note: this is also a great opportunity to syndicate or buy a “time share” together. For example, six different families could chip in about $10,000 - $12,000 each and have access to a great South American holiday home on the coast and near Montanita.

Contact us for any further details.
Have a great week.
Hasta Luego
John  and Dixie

Given the FACTS (as Dixie Davey Walker likes to say), the above was the start of the scam by the Walkers. More FACTS about these parasites are coming soon. As I have said before, STAY AWAY FROM THESE PREDATORS! They are still on the run from Ecuador for a reason. However, our "ghosts" are closing in on them quickly!!!