Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ayampe Beach Scam Exposed

The objective of this Blog is to STOP these people and to make everyone considering a move to Ecuador aware of the greed and deception of these people.

Let me start by giving you this scenario.

Picture this. Like everyone, you work hard your whole life and save your money so that you can have the opportunity to get out of the rat race, live the life you have dreamed about, in the place you want to live in. An opportunity comes along to help you live your dream, so you take that opportunity. Then, just as you are starting to live your dream – it turns into a nightmare. Someone comes along and steals your money, your hopes, and your dreams. They make you the victim of their scam and do not even think twice about the damage they have done. A bad situation, huh?
Here are the Facts:
There is an Australian couple named Dixie Davey Walker (aka Dixie Davey) and Robert John Walker (Australian Passport Number: M1026729) who operate a website called Their last known address is Plaza del Rio, #2-B, 1-20 Los Nogales y Tres Noviembre, Cuenca, Ecuador. These predators conned me and my wife out of our life savings and destroyed our dreams.

Here’s the deal. The Walkers ran a scam offering free beachfront houses to investors in a proposed development on the beautiful, western Ecuador beach of Ayampe. (I KNOW what you are thinking here, “FREE” houses, yeah, first clue of a scam, I know, we should have known better … but more on that later).

But, of course, none of this was even close to the truth. Unbelievable, I know, but we and other investors fell for it. My wife and I weren’t interested in the FREE house, only a hefty guaranteed return on our money for helping to get the project started.

I met Dixie Davey Walker and John Walker, on an import/export tour in Ecuador in October 2008. After I returned to the USA, I continued to correspond with them. Through these correspondences, they learned of my desire to live, invest in and contribute to the people of Ecuador. So, they started promoting to me (and others) what they called their “Ayampe Project”.

Throughout this promotion process the Walkers assured us that our investment in their “so-called” project would be placed in a Trust fund using the firm of Morgan & Morgan as the Trustee. Here is EXACTLY what they wrote to me on December 01, 2008, two full months before I invested with them:

Let us know when you are ready to send your money, and we will make sure we have a trust account established for you. For your comfort, we will not draw on your funds until we have at least $200,000. If that objective is not met, we will return your investment, or show you something else.
Kinds regards
John and Dixie”

Now, let’s be very clear. Prior to us investing any money, the Walkers wrote similar statements like the one above several times between December 2008 and February 2009. Each time providing what has turned out to be phony reassurances and false promises.  Each time they would state:
·         The funds will be placed in a TRUST account, and
·         The funds would not be used by the Walkers until at least so much money was raised (usually $200,000).

Here is another example of their misrepresentation. After I agreed to invest with the Walkers, John Walker sent me this statement in an email dated on February 06, 2009:

“PS. By the way, I am taking this obligation on with your brother personally. I have not discussed it with Ruy. That is why I suggested extending the deal out to 18 months, even though I will be doing my best to still make it happen in 12 months – just like you will. We will find another deal even if it’s not this one, just to make sure it happens.

PPS. The reality Cedric (keep this confidential please) is that this has been 100% my deal but I think it is wise to have Ruy with 50% because he is a well connected local who can help a lot – for this deal and also for lots more in the future. So if I think you should get a bit more now to make things “tick” more quickly, then that is what will happen.”

Yet just recently, on November 06, 2010, in referring to me, Dixie Davey Walker wrote this on an forum page:

“There was no investor from Oregon, and the only investor who invested more than $40,000 (with a promised gain of three times his investment within 18 months) did so with an agreement with the landowner to get land titles to the value of more than the promised return as security. It was the Ecuadorian landowner who reneged on all his agreements with everyone, including us.”

These predators now have amnesia about the facts! How did it go from being “100%” John Walker’s “deal”, to 2 weeks ago becoming an agreement with the Ecuadorian landowner. There was NEVER, and I mean NEVER, any sole agreement with the Ecuadorian landowner. I NEVER spoke to the man. I NEVER even had direct email contact with the Ecuadorian.

I dealt DIRECTLY with Dixie Davey Walker and John Walker via telephone conversations and emails. My agreement was signed by the two partners, John Walker and Ruy Quevedo, and I quote, “for the sole purpose of developing Ruy Quevedo’s 12 hectare property at Ayampe, Ecuador.”  It was not suppose to be used for any other purpose. And it was not to be used until $200,000 in total investments had been received, which never happened. Well, somehow my money got diverted from the sole purpose and it vanished and there are no records of where it went.

What the Walkers conveniently leave out are these facts:
  • ·         ALL monies were paid directly to John Walker in his personal Banco Pinchincha Account in Cuenca (Account Number: 5046211300) 
  • ·         All monies were to be placed in A TRUST! Plain and simple. No gray area, no misunderstanding!

One of Dixie Davey Walker’s favorite phrases is, “Get your facts right”. Well, that’s what we are going to do. We are going to “get the facts right” and document them with evidence and make them known and expose the Walkers for what they are – crooks, liars and scam artists.

The Walkers continue to spread lies on their website and other blogs and forums about what actually happened with investors’ funds. Lies like:
  • ·         How they never stole the funds;
  • ·         How they mysteriously “lost” all of the investors’ monies (over $100k);
  • ·         How there is no paper trail or banking records to account for money received or spent or transferred.
I am using, and will continue to use, this forum to present the true “facts” and evidence about how the Walkers Ayampe scam really went down. They are continuing to actively look for new victims that they can prey on.

In the next BLOG, I will breakdown, in my opinion, how these predators were able to pull off this scam. Stay tuned!!! In future blogs, I will delve deeper into the details of this crime that they have committed.

Dixie and John Walker are criminals!  No matter how much they protest their innocence, and claim their honest belief in their representations, they are still guilty.


Finally, and most importantly, if you (the reader) or anyone you know has been harmed by the Walkers please comment and spread the word so we can stop them from continuing to prey on other innocent people.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Email From John Walker

Ayampe Beach Con Artist - John Walker & Dixie Davey (Walker)
This is an email I received from John Walker today. He continues his lies and even makes threats against me. Also in this email, you will see a response from one of the other investors the Walkers scammed. At the end of this BLOG, I will attach comments from other investors as well. 

The Walkers continue to show their arrogance and total disrespect and disregard for ALL investors they scammed. They are truly pathetic. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT do business with these people.

Here is the email from John Walker (with comments from another investor in purple):
from Walker <>
to Willis <>
cc Davey <>
date, Dec 22, 2010 at 8:07 AM
subject is the beginning - there will be a lot more to come

Hi Cedric

We have decided that will start to respond to your negative claims against us, and we will publish the information on line. It is unfair that there is only one side of the story being circulated.

If you are innocent as you claim, you would not waste your time setting up a blog, you would sue us in court for slender. Go ahead, this is exactly what we would like to see.

Attached is a document of over 40 pages. It is only until the middle of February 2009, and does not include my correspondence with Ruy Quevedo or others. The larger “book” will make a great read. Just my emails to and from Ruy take up over 1,500 pages – and many of those show that I was doing my best to protect you. 

Your protection should have started by placing the investors money into a trust account as you have promised everybody. You did not! You used the money without authorization from the investors. This is theft and fraud.

So have a read of the initial story and tell me what you think. What you have stated in emails is very different to what you have recently circulated. I think that readers will now consider that you might have told other lies.

If this is the case, then all the investors must have lied?

I now intend to raise funds from our subscribers to fight you and Ruy. To make claims against us without a Court Order is a serious offense – at least in the USA where you have published your claims. The maximum sentence is 10 years jail – plus damages. It is also a serious offence in Ecuador. Whether we can afford to legally claim against you  is another matter.  Maybe one day I might use my inheritance to fight you. Wouldn’t it be a shame to use funds to fight you instead of repaying your investment? Why would I now feel any obligation to you? My obligation is to the other investors – not you. I took a risk with their funds to try and protect yours. Silly me!!!

Oh give us a break! Here is the same nonsense we had to listen to for over a year.
Do us a favour, go to court. Your subscribers are hopefully smarter then we were when we trusted you with our money.

You will have the same problem if you want to claim against us. We all know that the USA is a terribly litigation-crazy country and it also costs a fortune to take legal action. So I ask the question: Are you being set-up by someone? Frank Mussche invested $1,000 in the project. Is he behind your current aggression? Is a German or a Dutch person setting you up? I suspect that they are.

Now you are fishing!

You have taken the liberty to try and make us look like criminals. Now it is our turn. You are now the criminal – for what you have published outside a Court of Law. I wonder how you would feel if you were grabbed at Immigration in the US?

Now you are threatening us? Go ahead, make our day. You are the thief not us. This makes you the criminal.

Other investors might have had a chance against me, but not you. They might have had us deported from Ecuador because I could not repay the funds that were spent on/for Ruy’s property. Your funds, however, were spent totally as agreed by yourself, and I reported to you on a very regular basis.

If it comes to court, you will have a whole bunch of investors against you. You can count on it!

Our past correspondence with each other now shows you as being a very stupid person. Everybody involved was stupid – except Ruy. I was stupid too, but it was your initial money that should have been protected with proper legal advice. For $50,000 you should have had your agreement executed in Spanish and Notarized. I made the same mistake, and so did every other investor. No-one else made an investment bigger than $10,000. That is why they are not taking any further action, and probably why they are setting you up. You are the dick-head guinea pig being fucked-over by small people.

Watch your language! Being stupid is one thing, but being a crook, a thief, a lier and cheater is something else.

Ruy is the criminal, not us. He has been fraudulent from the beginning.  I regret everything that I ever did with Ayampe, and I am very, very sorry. The only winner has been Ruy with achieving his sub-division titles with other people’s money. Whether he is eventually a winner, we will never know. Ayampe has now been tainted, and we know that Ruy’s name is not very popular. He is also surrounded by very angry neighbors at Ayampe. If anyone inquires about Ruy’s property in Ayampe, they are very likely to get a big warning about him. He is a “scum bag” and probably everyone who deals with him is the same – including his architect. Coro made some very basic mistakes, and he still refuses to admit liability. Ruy’s  architect was part of the fuck-up that cost dollars and at least six weeks of time. He should have known better.

Again you handled the investment of the money. You handled the funds. It is your responsibility to protect the interests of the investors. You lied by telling us you would place the funds in a trust account. You never did! You never recorded in a professional way your spending. For this reason the fraud started already from the beginning, you are the criminal.

We gained nothing from the experience – other than aggravation and big medical bills that my mother paid for (over $25,000). Why don’t you direct all of your anger and negative energy to chasing Ruy down and making his life miserable?  Why don’t you camp at Ayampe on his property and make a big noise. Maybe you will get the real estate security that he promised to you. I wish you the best of luck. Put a gun to his head and demand what you are owed.

This is not our problem, it is yours.

The irony in the whole debacle is that I continued beyond the International Living Conference last February, for the sole reason of trying to protect you and your investment. How stupid was I? You still don’t realize how much I tortured myself just for you.

Now we should feel sorry for you? You bark up the wrong tree Mr. Accountant, who never got his numbers right.

Your claims against us (especially Dixie) are without foundation. You try and confuse many different aspects of your investment in the Ayampe project – and in the process you make yourself look very silly. You make statements about a $200,000 minimum subscription – yet you admitted in our correspondence that was the initial concept in late 2008 and NOT the one you finally agreed to in early 2009. You agreed with every change in the project funding ideas – but you conveniently don’t mention that in your current claims against us.

You dishonored the trust people had in you, and then you have the nerve to call them stupid, and call them names. You have no consciousness, you are what you are a parasite of the society.

In a Court of Law, this information will be disclosed and you will be made out as the criminal for making false statements – not us. How do you think the other investors will view your current actions? Oh, did I forget to tell you – they are getting a copy of this email and the first 40 pages of my side of the story.

Believe us, we are not interested in your story. All we are interested in is the money we lost because of YOUR incompetence. We trusted you, and it was you and your wife what let us down.

After the FREE home deal was offered, the $200,000 initial subscription figure was never again discussed – and our emails will show that (with your very positive approval). I now propose to sell this story on the internet, and your name and false claims will be published. Check in the emails (attached document) how you will look to an outside observer. Unlike you, I am not changing any of the wording or taking anything out of context – including grammar or spelling.

Just keep writing, you are digging your own grave.

As I said, I admit that I was guilty of spending other investors funds in order to protect your investment and keep the project going forward. But I was not guilty about how your funds were spent. I now realize that I was very stupid for trying to protect you. I took a calculated risk with other people’s funds in order to try and protect YOU. I made that silly mistake in order to try and protect everyone.

I wonder if the other investors realize that I risked their funds just to look after you. If it wasn’t for you Cedric, they would NOT have lost their funds. I made the mistake of not consulting them in order to try and protect you.

How much of this lies we have to listen too? You lied before, this is why we are in this mess. It makes us sick reading this nonsense.

The attached diary is only until the middle of Feb 2009. There are many more months to come of my reporting to you. I will also demonstrate how much I argued with Ruy (and others) about his obligation to you. To try and portray Dixie and myself as fraudulent is totally false. Your only enemy is Ruy Quevedo and it is him who you should be chasing (via Coro Plaza).  If I could share with you how many bad dreams I have had about the guy, you would have an idea of the trauma Ruy has caused me. In my dreams, he has died many times.

After the $200,000 investment offer was cancelled, you subsequently offered to be an investor for a FREE home deal (#1 lot – see your email of the 25th January 2009).  You then decided that you wanted to only be a cash investor (see your email of the 1st February 2009). You then and later asked if your investment could be higher because your brother wanted to be involved (see your email of the 3rd February 2009).

You chased me Cedric – not the other way around. Have a look at the initial correspondence that we had (attached). This is just the beginning. There is a lot more to come. You will look like a very stupid person in the eyes of any reader. You have used very abusive language about us. Now you should be prepared to receive the same in return and not only from us. You have done your best to ruin our lives (especially Dixie’s). We will now make it our quest to publish this story for others to make their own minds up. Your version of the “truth” is substantially different to what our emails with each other suggest.

Why should anybody believe you? You lied from the start, and you lie now. Your credibility is “zero”. 

Foolishly I tried to protect your investment, and risked other investors funds to do so. I admit that I did so. I risked everyone’s investment in order to try and protect yours. In hindsight, I was a fool. You should have lost your funds for NOT being an astute business person and I should have challenged Ruy more strongly at the IL conference (with help from Gary Phillips and Juan Heredia). I now regret that I tried to protect you. You will soon read all of the emails that I wrote to Ruy in my effort to try and protect your investment. I almost lost my sanity in my efforts. In hindsight, I was a fool. I even wrote some very abusive emails to Dixie (and others)  in my efforts to protect you. Why did you deserve such protection? You were not worth the effort. You are just another American ex-military with an “attitude”.

If for some reason I am able to raise investment funds, it will only be to repay the other investors – not you. Your deal at Ayampe was totally different to other investors and your funds were spent exactly as promised. I reported all of our progress to you, and also received positive responses from you.

You never will pay anybody! Another lie! The investors do not believe you anymore.

Your claim is against Ruy, not me. He has control of the land that was improved with your money. I reported our progress to you, and that included all of the promotional activities we did at the time to try and make Ayampe a success. I made the mistake of believing Ruy about title transfers and then spending other investor’s funds to make it all happen. If Ruy had been honest, the investors would have contributed the balance of their funds in order to get their titles.

You trusted Ruy, and we trusted you. Ruy is YOUR problem, you are our problem.

In hindsight, I should have still continued with the deal, even with Ruy’s changed up-front larger deposit. It would have left the project without funds (because he was demanding an extra $300,000), but the investors would have got their titles, and you would have received some form of security. But I also know that the project would have been seriously short of funds and not much would have happened. Why didn’t I do that? I didn’t do it because I thought that the project would fail. Again I was a fool for not protecting myself.

Ruy conned me and every other investor and he is the man you should be chasing. You were offered security, so why didn’t you make sure you got it? Why didn’t you appoint an attorney?

Because we trusted you! As it turned out you have no integrity at all.

By the way, this email is being circulated far-and-wide to our friends and customers. It might not be wise to show your face in Cuenca. 

There are already “faces” in Cuenca watching every step you make.



PS. The attached document is a very small part of our correspondence. As I have said, you should be chasing Ruy Quevedo – not Dixie. He is the culprit who conned all of us.

Again, this is your problem, not ours. The only problem we have is with you!

PPS. I will be circulating this to the other investors, so if any of them are making you out to be a front-line “fool”, then you should be very careful (eg. Frank, Wolf, and others). You might just be the gullible guinea pig.

PPPS. Juan Heredia was paid out of your funds to attend the IL conference last February. He was also offered a commission to help sell the Ayampe deal. He received business from the promotion. Wolf & Carolyn are still doing business with him.

PPPPS. Ruy made all the decisions about who would be involved in the Ayampe project. He made the decision not to continue to include Pedro Gomez-Centurion as a shareholder (because his own share of the project would be diluted). He also made the decision to not include Gary Phillips as an equity partner. I think this was because he knew that he could “control” me, but not two of us. If I had my time all over again, I would have made sure that someone else had an equity share – just so that Ruy could be controlled.

Now who you are you calling a FOOL?

PPPPPS. This email will be circulated widely as part of our story.

PPPPPPPPPs. Here’s a copy of a testimonial that is being circulated in Cuenca:

I want to make a statement about the vicious rumors that have been instigated by Cedric Willis about John Walker and Dixie Davey.

There is nothing vicious about Cedric claims Sir. It seems you are creamed in by John & Dixie, like all the investors were in he beginning. If you would loose your life savings to somebody you trusted, your statement would surely be different.

I am a new resident of Ecuador with my wife and four young children. I am from Ireland and have a successful background in property development. I am also interested in agriculture and have already purchased three properties near Cuenca.

For a bit of background, I was first introduced to John and Dixie in late 2009 by a mutual friend named Ben Colon. Ben, a retired cop from NYPD,  had been convinced by Dixie to come from Puerto Rico and give Cuenca a try. He then became a neighbor of Dixie & John in Cuenca and became good friends.

Ben had stayed at Ayampe with John and Ruy Quevedo when the project first got under way with the land clearing – even meeting the very first lot investor when he was visiting when clearing started. By the way, I recently met that same first investor in Cuenca when he was visiting, and I did not detect any ill-feeling toward John or Dixie. He had been a witness to how John and Dixie had been treated by Ruy Quevedo – having travelled to Ecuador to look at the project twice more before it folded. His recent visit was his fourth – and all have included meetings with John & Dixie. Does that sound like an investor who blames this couple?

Sir by all means, we understand where you are coming from, and when John and Dixie would be honest and trustworthy all the way, we all would still have our investment secured, and we would be good friends with John and Dixie too. But this is surely not the case, is it? If we all would have thought that we will be taken to the cleaner, we certainly would not have invested. John claimed to be a professional accountant, how can he lie to us that our money is secured in a trust account? How is it possible that a man of this type of education is not keeping exact records of the spending, especially if HE & Dixie are in CONTROL of the money? Would you please explain that? If Bill Gabel is fogged by this situation, sorry that is his problem. We know what was going on, and if there was a problem between Ruy and the Walkers, this is certainly not our problem. The bottom line is that the Walkers are responsible for the loss of the funds. 

After I became friends with Ben and he started helping me as a translator, he told me about the Ayampe project and how good it could have been and suggested that I meet John Walker and see if the investment could be resurrected. Ben knew that John still wanted to honor the promises to the investors, or at least have their money repaid, and that the project could still be a good investment to project manage.

Our advice, don’t get fogged also, hold on to your money.

From the moment of meeting John & Dixie, I was impressed by their values and desire to do the right thing. John admitted that he had been sucked in by Ruy Quevedo and that he had made the mistake of not getting his agreements legally drafted and Notarized. His mistake was simply believing in Ruy’s promises in the hope that titles would be transferred to the investors and the project would continue.

Sir, again, John was in CONTROL of the invested money, not Ruy.

When John first talked to me about the Ayampe project, he did not hold back on anything. He sent me copies of various emails to and from Ruy (and now recently to and from Cedric). The stories that Cedric Willis has circulated is nothing like the truth. Not once was there any fraudulent intent, and the tone of the conversations suggest that it was Cedric who was chasing John to be involved. At one stage, John had even suggested that a different sort of investment might suit Cedric and his goals, better than Ayampe development.

The only looser is Cedric, he lost US$ 50,000.00 of his life savings by trusting and believing that John Walker would do the right thing (like you do right now).
Now John is calling him profound names …… sorry where I come from, this would be considered “low life”.

And there is absolutely no reason why Dixie and her web site should have been scathingly cut down. She has only made the error of being married to John. 

Please Sir, you know only one side of the story. You were not involved from the beginning of this disaster. If these two are so innocent, why don’t they sue Cedric instead of writing his stories again? They would do as all a favor …….

Dixie has been recognized as being a great ambassador for Cuenca, and I know that many expat people have made decisions to relocate here because of the information that she writes about the city and Ecuador in general. Many local businesses have advertised with Dixie and have received substantially increased custom from the way that Dixie presents them to her readers. I had already committed to advertise with Dixie too – to promote a couple of businesses that I have started.

This is a different story. We talking here about the disappearance of more then US$ 100,000.00. Even if you are not happy with that, Dixie is a part of that. This is simply a crime.

Cedric’s malice toward Dixie has now done damage to Cuenca and Ecuador. I hope that the people who read this testimonial realize this.

You know the saying: “ Clean out the house first, before you invite guests.” This is what we are talking about here.

Ben Colon introduced me to the Ayampe project architect, who in turn introduced me to Ruy Quevedo. I was interested in seeing if the project could be resurrected – and that included getting Ruy Quevedo to repay the previous investors. I discovered that Ruy had increased is selling price compared with when he was transferring the project to a Trust that the investors were to be involved. Why was the price increased? Was it because sub-division titles had been issued? And where did the money come from to get that done?

We understand what you are saying, the problem is that our money was not paid to Ruy, it was paid to the Walker’s. So far the law goes Sir, they are responsible what was done with the funds. Please let me remind you, that our money should have been in a trust account. Would this be the case, the money would be still there.

Ruy was not open to negotiation at a price that would enable investors to be repaid. So I did not pursue the matter further. Had I managed to be successful, I would have still had John Walker involved.

Sir, I am an architect for 40 years. I have build in Europe, Canada and in the arctic. I think I know what I am talking about. John Walker is incompetent. If he would be the professional he claims, we would have not this conversation. 

However, I did continue to involve John in giving me advice on various agricultural and machinery decisions. His extensive knowledge and experience in agriculture and machinery has helped me a lot. I even sent him on an exploratory trip to the US to look at agroforestry and some other technologies. At no stage has he tried to “scam” me. 

Well, he is good at least in one thing, he should stick to it. In our case he was a complete failure.

Our dealings have been friendly and professional. I have also continued to deal with Dixie so that she can help me promote my own ideas on the internet. If Cedric intends do me damage because of my association with Dixie, then I advise him to be very careful.

Sir, no threads please. As I said before there are always two sides to a coin. You really don’t know what you are dealing with here, and if you would know, you would not get involved.

I wished you would have signed your letter.

Here are some comments we have received from other investors and the project architect:

You must specify in which way I am liable. 
I made the serious mistake of believing I was dealing with professionals, and after you were not able to deliver a detailed account of the whereabouts of the investor´s money, I sadly realized I wasn´t dealing with the right people.
You are writing about the serious consequences of wrongfully accusing people. You have have said that I am "probably" a scum bag and part of the "fuck up". I don´t know if you are still in Ecuador ... if you are, I would love to summon a judicial interrogation (pre-trial instance) to see if you dare to repeat what you have written here in front of a judge.
I don´t know if you ever provided the investors with all the receipts and the accounting information they have the right to have. 
If you want to enjoy credibility, please explain where the last penny went.

John: Stop the bullshit. Bottom line, you made commitments to people, took
their money and deposited it to your account and then failed to deliver and
worse spent the money. That is fraud and the rest of the story does not
matter. Look in the mirror and take responsibility.

Thank you S,

you said it as it is. At least you did not wasted your time like I did responding to this nonsense.
I know most of us think the same way like you do.

Frank M. paid approximately $1,400 to John Walker personal Master Card account in Australia, which at the time I found OK, but in retrospect it is now suspicious since I just paid his outstanding credit card debd, not related to the Ayampe project at all. In Addition I Paid US$4,500 to the lawyers "Moeller, Gomez-Lince & Company in Guayaquil for the negotiations fees for the land, titles etc, where we found out that not all the land was part of the parcel!!


All I have to say is why don't you put your actions where your words are?   You keep saying Ruy this and Ruy that.  That the entire problem is on Ruy’s shoulders.  Well why in the world have you not gone after Ruy to at least get your time and money back instead of attacking Cedric and pushing the other investors aside figuring we will just go away eventually?  I mean if Ruy is the bad guy you paint him to be than why not go after him?

I can only think of 2 reasons why you have done nothing against Ruy. 

1. You are still like best buddies pretending you are not!  (Acting like first graders). 
2. You are completely terrified of him thinking he will put a "Hit" on you like his new reputation says he will.

John I don’t believe YOU have a leg left to stand on.
  Everyone gave YOU the money not Ruy. YOU had all the correspondence with the investors. YOU issued the invoices and receipts and it was YOU that guaranteed the investments in a trust fund.
John the only thing YOU can do now is to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Ruy Quevedo is the criminal and until YOU can do that YOU might as well keep your mouth shut!